
reformationIn Montana, there are a lot of people who are devoted to their faith in God. For that reason, these people all want to not only come together and worship Him but share their knowledge and the things he has done for them with the world. This is why Reformation Montana was implemented by some churches and so far, it is a success with all the new members who have decided to put their faith in God.

What Does Reformation Montana Mean?

renaissance reformationReformation, by definition, generally refers to a 16th century movement that was for the reform of abuses within the Roman Catholic Church, which ended the establishment of the reformed and Protestant Churches. It also means the action or process of reforming an institution or practice. Reformation Montana is a group of like-minded churches and people who work together for the purpose of sending missionaries out into other areas of Montana and to the rest of the world to teach and host educational events.

The Goals of Reformation Montana

reformed baptist churchThe goals are simple. It is to allow fellowship opportunities to those who are like-minded in their beliefs, want to sponsor regional training and educational events, and those who want to encourage exegetical, expository preaching, and biblical studies. These individuals and groups are able to promote networking and the distribution of information to anyone who wants it through a journal. This, in turn, allows people to channel funds, if they want to, directly to the missionaries and churches as they see fit to do.

The Purpose of Reformation

baptist missionariesDo you really know what makes a church strong? Do you have an understanding of what holds it together and makes it beneficial to the community? The truth is, churches need people to believe in them, to share with them their joys and triumphs, and to spread the word that they are trying to teach. Without people, no one would have a church to go to. The people are the ones who support the church, not the other way around. The preacher is there to teach the word of God. They are there to ensure that everyone understands what it takes to rejoice in the word of God and to help them live a life that is pure. Without people there to hear the teachings, the preacher would not have anyone to teach. The preacher speaks because he has a total understanding of what the bible tries to tell us, and he tells others what they should do for the church.

Missionaries for the Reformation

In some cases, it is to go out and continue to spread the word of God and this is often done in the form of missionaries. Missionaries though, have a much bigger job. Not only do they share their knowledge, but they help out within the community and beyond. When disasters strike an area, they are going to be there to volunteer to help others and say prayers for everyone’s safety during the troubled times. They provide strength to a community and their concern for others is unmatched in every way.